Sunday, January 26, 2014

1/20 to 1/26

This was a very quite week.

At Curves I did the Body Basic's twice and did the work out with Jillian which was new this week.  My legs and arms  were so sore.  By Friday, I could hardly move. Thanks goodness for the weekend.

I made bread on Tuesday and took some over to Laura's family.  She had the flue and it hit her hard.  She is changing Real Estate offices.  She starts this Monday. I hope things go well with her.

I forgot to mention Hunter last week, who won $2,000 and a 3D printer for his design of a light table. He is so creative and brilliant.  I am not surprised because he has always had such great talent.  I remember him building things that were so advanced with Lego's when he was just a little boy. I am so proud of him!

Sammy came over twice.  On Friday, we played with a simple puzzle.  This was a new experience for him.  He is beginning to see matches and his vocabulary is expanding. I just have to get his parents to play with him more, but I don't think that is in their culture because they just don't have time to play with them.  They work so hard just to put food on the table.

On Thursday, Ngena learned how to write her name.  I discovered that she hasn't been taught how to make her letters right.  So I made a notebook that had her words and story's we are working on, on the IPad. Plus, how to write her letters, some math and money work sheets.

Yesterday and today, I finished the third verse of  "I Stand all Amazed".  I don't know how good it is.  It will probably change as it ages.  My arrangements usually do.  I substituted in Primary and I taught the chorus of "I Stand All Amazed" and used my first verse arrangement.  It didn't sound bad.  I was very proud of Neema, she went to church with us,  she recognized that we had sang it in Sacrament Meeting and she even named it right.  I heard her humming "He Sent His Son" and she knows "Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes"  I hope she will keep coming.  It is fun to watch her grow in her religious knowledge. 

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